Monday 20 February 2012

Stud wall

To build a stud wall for my work bay, first off i got the tools and equiment i needed. These were: A saw, a hammer, nails(3 inch), a tape-measure and timber (cls 3inch) and optionaly a hop-up to cut the wood on to make things easier. I also then got my PPE: gloves, my work boots and then my glasses.

I started off my measuring the height and width of my bay and wrote down these measuremeants between each aby with the gap. After taking all the correct measuremeants i then marked these out on the timber and began to cut the wood.
I cut out the length bits of wood and the verital pieces (including the headers) which stand on the ground parrallell to eachother vertically. It is very important to make sure every peice of timeber is the right lenght becuase is they are not then the stud wall will not be square and will tilt when put up, this includes both verical and horizontal pieces of the wood needed.

Once i had cut all the timber out that i had needed, i marked out when i needed to fix and then carfuly hammerd in the timber, to the base timber and the header peice of timber. Once i had done this, i fixed the stud wall frame to the wall with a hammer and nails.
The next thing i had to do was to make another header, this was height relative to how big i was going to have to make my door-frame. I had to make two of these, the first one i got simply from cutting out the wood from the bottom of the frame that was not needed out and then fixed it in  under the top piece of timber, and then i had to cut another one out the same size. The second one i had to fix to the relative height of the door-frame (like it says above).
After this all i had to do was to fix noughings in each side of the frames, (between each bay) and then one inbetween the two headers (vertically)

Stud wall is often know as the first fix of the construsction world.

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