Tuesday 28 February 2012

Filling and sanding

To start to put my filling and sanding, I first got the tools and equiment i needed. This was: sandpaper, two filler-knifes/scrappers, filler mix, water amd a filler-board. I also then got my PPE: gloves, my work boots and then my glasses.

After i got everything i needed, i started to mix the filler on the board by putting some of the filler mix on the board and then adding water. I kept mixing the water and filler mix together untill it was smooth with no lumps and was the right consistancy, i used the two filler-knifes to mix it.

Once i had the filler mixture done i then started to fill in any small cracks or holes in the plaster that had been left from plastering, i dont this very carfuly and tried not to work the filler too much when i applied it. I done this by putting some filler on one of the knifes and then with the other knife cafuly took off a small peice of filler and then at an agnle when other the hole/crack that needed repairing so that it would fill.

After i filled every crack/hole on my wall i waited for the filler to set and then started sanding over the filler, i sanded so that my wall was all smooth and there was no lumps out on my wall.

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