Tuesday 29 May 2012

emulsion magnolia, gloss

First off i got my PPE, this was: gloves, goggles and my boots (steel-topcapped). I then got all my equiment i needed, this was: White gloss, magnolia paint, paintbrushes, water, kettles, rollers, rollers trays and a dust sheet.

To start off with I done all my undercoats (as explain in a older post), and then decanted the paint into kettles.
For the sado, skirting, architrav and door frame, i used a gloss based white paint to give a nice finish. I gave this 3 layers as to give the perfect white gloss finish. I done all this with a small paintbursh so i didnt get any on thw walls.

For the walls, i used a emulsion magnolia paint, i painted around the edges first with a paintbursh, and then filled the middle in with a roller to save time. I gave this also 3 coats.


To start off, first i got all my PPE, this consited of: boots (steel toe-capped), gloves and goggles.
After I theng ot all my equiment i needed, a batton, tiles, grout, a group speader, a tile cutter, tile spacers,screws, a scre driver, tile adhesive,a tape measure,a float and a damp cloth.

Next i worked out the distance of the tiles would be after being spaced and grouted and i drew lines on the batton, i then fixed the batton which was the lenght of my wall to half was up my wall.
Next i got my tile adhesive and started speading it accord my wall, in lines with the battons useing a speader and then put the tiles on and put tile spacers inbetween each tile.
after doing the top half f the wall, i then took the batton off and done the bottom half, working my way up.
In some places not whole tiles would fit so i had to cut then to size.
After finish tiling my whole wall, i then grouted it using grout and spreading it using a float. i wiped off any excess grout with a damp cloth.

Putting up a shelf and coat hook

To start off, first i got all my PPE, this consited of: boots (steel toe-capped), gloves and goggles.
After I theng ot all my equiment i needed: a spirit level, a pencil, a tape measure, a panel saw, a screwdriver, a dustpan and brush, a coat hook, a shelf, x2 wall brackets. 8 split screws.

after i got all the things i needed, i measured out the middle of the wall with the tape for both the shelf, and just under the coat hook. I need put the splitter screws in at the correct places.
I then screwed the brackets to the shelf, and the hooks onto the wood for the coat hook.
Next i put the shelf attached to the brackets onto the wall, screwing the screws into the screw splits, this makes the shelf alot strong so it can hold more weight, i then done the same for the coat hook.


To start off, first i got all my PPE, this consited of: boots (steel toe-capped), gloves and goggles.
After I theng ot all my equiment i needed. This was x2 buckets, a bag of multi finish plaster (25kg), a hawk, a bucket trowel, a float, a plastering trowel, water, a cordess-drill, a mixing attatchement for the drill and a mixing stick.

First off i mixed the plaster, to do this i put water in the two buckets, and added plaster to on of them, whilst adding the plaster i mixed it at the same time. the other bucket filled with water was just to add water if needed. I kept added plater untill the mix was ready and continuarly mixed.

One the plaster was finished and mixed, i poured the plaster out onto a table and then loaded some onto my hawk using my plaster trowel. I then unloaded the plaster from the hawk using the plaster trowel and then loaded it onto the wall, starting from the bottom working my way to the top.

I done this untill i coverd my whole bay in a thick layer of plaster, but made sure there was no lumps and the plaster was relativly smooth. I used a wet paintbrush to smooth the corners.

After that first layer od plaster had set, i then added another thinner layer, applying int he same way as before but made sure this layer way much smoother and then again i smoothed the corners with a paintbrush.

After i washed all my tools so they were as good as new.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Filling and sanding

To start to put my filling and sanding, I first got the tools and equiment i needed. This was: sandpaper, two filler-knifes/scrappers, filler mix, water amd a filler-board. I also then got my PPE: gloves, my work boots and then my glasses.

After i got everything i needed, i started to mix the filler on the board by putting some of the filler mix on the board and then adding water. I kept mixing the water and filler mix together untill it was smooth with no lumps and was the right consistancy, i used the two filler-knifes to mix it.

Once i had the filler mixture done i then started to fill in any small cracks or holes in the plaster that had been left from plastering, i dont this very carfuly and tried not to work the filler too much when i applied it. I done this by putting some filler on one of the knifes and then with the other knife cafuly took off a small peice of filler and then at an agnle when other the hole/crack that needed repairing so that it would fill.

After i filled every crack/hole on my wall i waited for the filler to set and then started sanding over the filler, i sanded so that my wall was all smooth and there was no lumps out on my wall.

Paint and miss-coat

To start to my miss-coat painting i first got the equiment i needed. This was: paint, water, a paintbursh and a mixing container, I also then got my PPE: gloves, my work boots and then my glasses.

After getting all the tings i needed, i then pourd paint into the container i had and then added roughly 10%-15% water of the amount of paint i used, and then i mixed it.
After i was finished mixing, i then started to paint my wall.
After i finished painting my wall i could see where all the holes and small cracks were on my wall so i could then fill it.

Monday 27 February 2012

architrav, dado and skirting

To start off doing my architrave, dado and skirting, first off i got the tools and equiment i needed. This was: a mitra-saw, a tape-measure, the timber, a pencil, a hammer and some nails. I also then got my PPE: gloves, my work boots and then my glasses.

First off, i started to get the measurements needed, and then marked them out on my timber. To cut then out, i cut the top end at a 45 degree angle (just one side on the vertical pieces of timbmer, but both sides on the horizontal pice of timber). This is s they fit together better.
After cutting them out, i then fitted them striaght to the doorframe and plaster wall with nails.
I done exactly the same for each one, but the size and lengh slightly differered for each. The only different from the dado and skirting to the architrav was that on the dado and skirting i scribed into the shape on the corners so the fit was tighter.